Sunday, July 10, 2011

Spirit Touch Your Church

We sang this in church today, Youth Sunday. I haven't sung it in ages, but really feel that it encapsulates a lot of what at least in the YAM committee we've been talking and praying about. Funnily enough, first video of the song I looked at on youtube came with a slideshow of (rather old) photos of our city! I like that Joel & team led it in a faster tempo than this one though (:

Lord, we need Your grace and mercy
We need to pray like never before
We need the power of Your Holy Spirit
To open Heaven's door

Spirit touch Your church,
Stir the hearts of men
Revive us Lord with Your passion once again
I want to care for others
Like Jesus cares for me
Let your rain fall upon me

Lord we humbly come before You
We don't deserve of You what we ask
But we urge to see Your glory
Restore this dying land