Sunday, January 30, 2011

A YAMmer's reflections on the YAM welcome dinner

As promised, a sharing by one of our yammers about how he felt, bringing friends to our YAM event :) To Zhi Yang, many thanks for sharing this with us!!!
The recent YAM event at Temasek Club was a great success! It was a great place and atmosphere and of course, GREAT FOOD! As some of you all might know, I brought 3 exchange students from the Octopus ministry and I really thank God for the timing of this event. The previous week was the first Octopus meeting and I advertised  the YAM event then. During the week, one of the exchange students, Gosia, emailed me to let me know she was coming and was bringing 2 friends! So Praise God! 
Overall, the feedback I got from the exchange students was very positive. When I drove one of them back, I asked him what he thought of the event. He said that he really enjoyed himself and he was really surprised how friendly everyone was. His previous experience of church was just a normal Sunday service, “come, listen, go” and there was never an opportunity to interact with the Christians around. So I think this event really helped to change his perspective on church. Besides that, he is also interested in coming for future events.
So I want to say Thank you to everyone who made the effort to reach out and be friendly to these people! I guess we (myself included) sometimes underestimate the importance of these pre-evangelistic events. Sometimes, non-christians have a perception that church is just a building that people come on Sunday to worship and that’s it! But I guess events like these really show that the body of Christ is ultimately made up of people and it is the love for God and the love for people that ultimately defines Christianity.
So I would like to encourage everyone to bring your friends and more importantly to engage your CGs in helping to make your friends feel welcome. What I did before the event was to let my CG know that I was bringing 3 newcomers and ask for their help in “taking care” of these people. So that way, you do not have to worry about your friends feeling left out!

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