Monday, February 14, 2011

Reflections on YAM-Nexus V-day event: Undying Love

This is Rebecca here, and I think I'll start the ball rolling on reflecting about the v-day event that has just passed. Personally, I believe that God has blessed our ministries and this event a lot. Thank God for the wonderful food, fantastic entertainment and the awesome company we had despite the not-so-big numbers. I was especially touched by the message on the book of Hosea, that was introduced very nicely by Leonard through the poem (which he personally penned) and through the Gomer's song. Before the event, I did not know much about the book of Hosea, except that it was about this prophet who was asked to marry a prostitute and to love her with all of his heart. I found the book to be confusing, like "how come it was talking about Hosea and his wife and then suddenly went to talk about Israel?" and "why such a holy man was asked to love such a sinful woman? Weren't we asked to shun evil? And why did Hosea did marry Gomer if he knew that she had so much tendency to leave him for other men?"

I think Ps Jabez's message that evening brought a lot of clarity to me. He explained that the main purpose of the Hosea story was to be an object lesson for the nation of Israel, showing to them (visually and metaphorically) that even though they may stray away and betray God just as Gomer betrayed Hosea, God (like Hosea), is faithful and just and will forgive us if we repent and come back to Him. What amazing love!! Overall, it was an amazing night, we all had fun, and I would like to express my thanks to all who've helped and came for the event :)

1 comment:

  1. wish i was able to go! Glad you guys had a great time. Good job to all who organised! Keep it up!!
