Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Update on upcoming events!

The YAM committee has recently met up to discuss about the past events and we've made some changes to some of our upcoming events, so please take note of the following changes/announcements:

1) To all CG leaders and assistant CG leaders, please note that the CG leaders' meeting scheduled for April has been pushed forward to March 13 (Sunday). This meeting is an opportunity for you to share with us how your CG is doing and your needs as a CG/ACG leader. We will also be sharing with you more about the Equipping Workshop that will happen the week after (March 20). If both of you can't come, please send a representative from your CG :)

2) With regards to the Equipping Workshop on March 20, we are currently looking for Senior Yammers to volunteer to facilitate. As a facilitator, you will be asked to share your experience with the younger yammers so we can all help each other (and out CGs) to grow spiritually :)

3) The results of the YAM events poll are out! The top 3 activities that you've voted for are paintball, picnic and sea sports. Thank you for participating in this poll and we will keep you in touch via our updates about when these events will be happening when the date draws nearer.  

4) Our YAM retreat is confirmed! We'll be having our YAM retreat in conjunction with church camp this year, mark these dates down and try to make it for these dates: 15-18 June. For the sake of (camp) publicity, I've been asked to keep the venue a secret, so if you want to know where on earth we'll be going to, do look out for the church camp announcements :)  Oh..please also pray that God will provide a suitable candidate to be our camp commandant for our retreat. If you would like to volunteer, please drop us an email: :) Remember, it's a privilege to use your talents and gifts for God's kingdom.

That's all I have for now. Please pray about the 4 issues I've just mentioned and think about volunteering your services to help the YAM ministry. Thanks and God bless  

Monday, February 14, 2011

Reflections on YAM-Nexus V-day event: Undying Love

This is Rebecca here, and I think I'll start the ball rolling on reflecting about the v-day event that has just passed. Personally, I believe that God has blessed our ministries and this event a lot. Thank God for the wonderful food, fantastic entertainment and the awesome company we had despite the not-so-big numbers. I was especially touched by the message on the book of Hosea, that was introduced very nicely by Leonard through the poem (which he personally penned) and through the Gomer's song. Before the event, I did not know much about the book of Hosea, except that it was about this prophet who was asked to marry a prostitute and to love her with all of his heart. I found the book to be confusing, like "how come it was talking about Hosea and his wife and then suddenly went to talk about Israel?" and "why such a holy man was asked to love such a sinful woman? Weren't we asked to shun evil? And why did Hosea did marry Gomer if he knew that she had so much tendency to leave him for other men?"

I think Ps Jabez's message that evening brought a lot of clarity to me. He explained that the main purpose of the Hosea story was to be an object lesson for the nation of Israel, showing to them (visually and metaphorically) that even though they may stray away and betray God just as Gomer betrayed Hosea, God (like Hosea), is faithful and just and will forgive us if we repent and come back to Him. What amazing love!! Overall, it was an amazing night, we all had fun, and I would like to express my thanks to all who've helped and came for the event :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The V-day event

Thanks everyone who came, hope you enjoyed the evening!

If you have any thoughts to share (from tonight), do let us know.

We leave you with some photos from the evening here (more to come shortly), and the poem Leonard penned and read out tonight, before singing Michael Card's Song of Gomer.

Gomer – Wife of Hosea

Once upon a time, the word from God it came
To a man who lived in Israel, Hosea was his name

He was told to marry an unfaithful wife
To love and keep her all his life

To love her each and every day,
Despite her willful, cheating ways

To care and protect, all for love’s sake
To love her though his heart may break

To love her, though, she, beguiled by sin
Sought others to satisfy her lust within

But no betrayal could change his tender love
For it came from Heaven up above

And through this tale, God shared the grief
He feels when we reject Him and our own lives live

Yet despite the corrupt ways we live,
God’s love to us, He longs to give

In a sinful and a faithless age
God longs to show us better days

To show us love, so unrestrained
To touch our lives, to heal our pain

To walk beside us, to share our load
To forgive our sins, to redeem our souls

To cleanse us so our hearts can sing
To lift us up on eagles’ wings

That one day we may live with Him
With no more shame, and no more sin